Ten Reasons to Write With a Fountain Pen

Are fountain pens an uncomfortable, unconventional choice for elitists or are they a viable, eco-friendly comfortable pen choice for everyday writers?

Though shrouded in mystique, fountain pens are insanely popular with loyal enthusiasts and are experiencing a surge in popularity. So what's the big deal?

  1.  Fountain pens are eco friendly, leaving a small footprint in landfill: When using a refillable piston converter in a fountain pen, no refills are thrown into landfill. A well maintained fountain pen will last a very long time, and can be passed from generation to generation.
  2. Handwriting is great for your brain: You learn and retain more when you handwrite. In three studies, students who took notes on laptops performed worse on conceptual questions than students who took handwritten notes, and laptop note takers tend to transcribe lectures verbatim rather than processing information and reframing it in their own words.

  1. Writing with a fountain pen is a satisfying, tactile experience: The fountain pen nib creates a faint but pleasant physical ‘scritch’ on the paper. Using the finer things in life gives a certain feeling; it's a feeling of satisfaction and style, a pleasurable feeling that life is good and you will be OK.
  2. Slow living: Writing with a fountain pen forces us to write in a considered manner; to slow down, creating space amongst the busyness to ponder, process and plan.
  3. Ink choices: There are hundreds of ink colours to indulge in and fountain pen inks often have a faint and pleasant, distinctive earthy smell. Warning: collecting fountain pen inks is addictive. Find Australian made fountain pen inks here.

  1. Fountain pens connect us with history:  Writing with a pen steeped by story has the mundane becoming extraordinary. Many fountain pens have been meticulously maintained and passed down in family generations, creating a legacy.
  2. There is unrivalled beauty in the workmanship of a handmade fountain pen: Most fountain pen collectors get a physical reaction from the beauty of their pens, being pleasing to the eye and the hand. Book a custom pen consult here.
  3. Beautiful pens inspire beautiful writing: It can actually ‘up’ our penmanship! Writing properly with a fountain pen slows our writing down. The decrease in speed can indirectly make us write each letter more carefully.

  1. Fountain pens tend to be unique and highly adaptable: There are thousands of colour options, body materials and shapes, nib designs and different filling systems. Solid gold nibs actually adapt to your writing style via your nib choice and writing angle. We all love things that are unique to us, emphasise and show our personality. Custom timber pen orders are our speciality and we'd be pleased to design and turn you a bespoke pen. You can even supply your own wood that holds precious memories. Book a custom pen consult here.
  2. Longterm, fountain pens are more economical, leaving more money in your pocket: Basically, you really need to experience a fountain pen. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the ease with which you will begin to develop your own distinctive writing style and engage in a delightful penmanship experience. There is no finer writing instrument than a fountain pen, and no greater writing delight than a handcrafted fountain pen. It can take a short while to adapt but once technique is grasped, fountain pens are a life long love for many people. Enjoy!


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